Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sacrifices and Compromises

Hello guys! Welcome back to The Story of Penny!! Today, I am writing a post about what Auggie and I talked about last night. We talked about how our entire lives are going to work out. Sacrifices and Compromises. So, I'll list EVERYTHING that I remember talking about with Auggie.

  • It was their original show. We joined them. I will have me and 2 of my cast members with me. Those members will be Bernadette and Leonard because they impact me the most.
  • I will be sure to make my show people not take over theirs, if they don't threaten my position with people like Delia and Alexis.
  • Nobody is going to be negative or abnormal. When that happens, the abnormal negative person will be left out, or everyone will look at them weird.
  • Riley is to talk normal.
  • If everything is going fine, nobody has a right to be rude to someone to the point it is Zack and Bailey annoying.
  • Everyone will have their episodes personalities. They'll be them that nobody impacts, no matter what.
  • You can't be Zack and Bailey annoying/rude to someone if they are acting like 100% episodes. Nobody here is a drama show. Riley The Next Step was negative. Me and Bernadette and everyone here aren't drama filled negativity.
  • Don't make your relationships outside your episodes relationships. I mean, you can, but as long as nobody else has to change theirs for that to happen.
  • I wont go to Declan and Turner's ever. That was just to point out that Riley going isn't that bad.
  • Sheldon, Amy, Howard, Priya and Raj will not be here in NYC. They will be in L.A. They can visit sometimes, one at a time.

That's it! If everyone of Girl Meets World and The Big Bang Theory follows these rules, then we will be good! Thanks for taking the time to read!

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